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Features of the Book of Changes I Ching application

Three-coin method

The application supports both simplified fortune telling with three coins and fortune telling with aging features of gua (fortune telling with three coins option 2.a)

Without random numbers

When calculating the position of the coin, random number generators are not used. The side of the coin is determined by physical calculations of the position of the coin, close to real


Canonical text and comments

The application allows you to read the result of fortune-telling both in the form of a canonical text describing the hexagram, and in the form of an interpretation of Heyslip and comments others authors

Theory and History

Fortune telling results are stored in a dated fortune telling history list with your comments.
Theoretical articles will help to understand many of the nuances and features of fortune-telling with the Book of Changes

What is the Book of Changes?

The Book of Changes (also known as the "Canon of Changes", "I Ching", "Zhou I") is one of the oldest known literary monuments. The oldest part of it, which is used in fortune telling, traditionally dates from the seventh century BC. Around the second century BC, the Book of Changes was adopted by Confucian tradition as one of the canons of the Confucian Pentateuch.

The book, in the form in which we know it now, was formed in the era of the Zhou Dynasty and consists of 64 descriptions of hexagrams (figures of 6 lines). Each hexagram describes a certain life situation in terms of its progressive development over time. The hexagram consists of six lines that can be solid (active, bright, yang) or interrupted (passive, dark, yin). Each hexagram (and each line in the hexagram) in the canonical text corresponds to a set of aphorisms, which should give clues to the answer.

Fortune-telling itself consists in choosing six features that will determine the hexagram-answer to the question of the fortuneteller. Traditionally, complex pseudorandom procedures with yarrow stems, rice grains or fortune telling stones have been used for this. Another way to get the features of the hexagram is to use three coins, this method is presented in the application offered to you.

How to use the "Book of Changes"?

The first thing you need to get an answer from the Book of Changes is three coins. The second, but probably more important, is your attitude. The text of the book is very mystical and its understanding greatly depends on your current state and mood. The same hexagram, being read at different times, will give completely different advice.

Therefore, take three coins in your hand, exhale, concentrate on your question and start divination.

  • Toss the coins. In some coin fortune telling schemes, it is recommended to throw coins one by one. But there is no justification for why this is better than dropping simultaneously.
  • By the sides of the coins, determine the line. With simplified fortune-telling, the line is determined simply: if three or two “heads” have fallen - draw the first (lower) line solid, otherwise (three or two “tails”) - broken. The rules for determining the line in classical divination (with "aging" features) are a little more complicated. They are given in the application.
  • Repeat the manipulations with the coins five more times, filling in all six lines from the bottom to the top, you get a picture of a hexagram (or even two, in the classic version). Having found the hexagram in the table, read the aphorisms (or comments and interpretations) and get an answer.

There is a joke that a correctly asked question contains half the answer. This is true for fortune telling with the Book of Changes. The book is not a generator of knowledge, therefore it makes no sense to ask a question about the subject of which the questioner has no idea or the answer to which cannot be obtained at all. It is foolish to ask I-Ching “How many parsec-newtons are contained in 15 gigapascals per square liter?”, But it is fair to ask, “Can I calculate how many parsec-newtons ...” (and further on in the text of the question). So, you should be aware of the possible outcomes of the situation.

The Book of Changes was called the “Means of resolving doubts,” and this is the most correct definition: if there are several possible scenarios depending on your action (or inaction) or your choice, then the answer of the Book will allow you to decide.

The application "The Book of Changes I Ching" allows you to simplify the entire fortune-telling procedure without losing its most important essence: your fate is determined not by a random number generator, but by your own hand. You toss the coins, you draw a hexagram and the advice of the Book will be just for you, and not for the author of the random.nextInt(64) function .

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